Tagged: crimes against humanity

Tommy Robinson: What if Muhammad was tried for war crimes today?

(THE REBEL) — By Tommy Robinson

We know that the Islamic prophet Muhammad was a warlord. We know that he raped and pillaged. If Muhammad were tried in British courts in 2017, his list of criminal convictions would be pretty substantial.

Not only would Muhammad be serving multiple life sentences for torture and rape, but his convictions for war crimes and murdering hundreds of people would land him with a prison sentence unmatched by anyone else in recent history.

Watch and learn why I’ve been campaigning for years about the true nature of Islam, and why I’m not so keen on the prophet!


Presidential candidates have a golden opportunity to speak the truth about Muhammad

JAHILIYYA IS ARABIC FOR IGNORANCE, and it is the word that Muslims use to label the era prior to the arrival of Muhammad in Arabia — the Period of Ignorance they call it, ignorance about the true religion that Muhammad was commissioned by Allah to reveal to all mankind, or so Muslims believe.

Thanks to disinformation and politically correct avoidance, Americans have a bad case of ignorance about the real Muhammad. Not knowing the facts about him in this day and age is the new jahiliyyah, and at a time of crucial national elections, what Americans don’t know about the man who is at the root of all the Islamic horror that is exploding around the world is dangerous. Read more »