IT GOES LIKE THIS: Two men at the corner of Fifth and Main are engrossed in conversation. As they jabber away, one of them looks over the shoulder of the other and sees a Tyrannosaurus Rex coming down Main Street. He says to his friend, “Hey, there’s a Tyrannosaurus Rex coming our way!” The other guy says, “Oh, come on, that’s impossible,” and he resumes talking about what he was talking about. The other man says, “I’m not kidding. Just turn around and look for yourself.” But his friend is adamant. “Don’t be silly,” he says. By then the man who sees what’s coming is frantic because the monster is getting closer and closer. In exasperation, he says, “Look, all you gotta do is turn around, and you will see for yourself what I’m talking about!” But the other man crosses his arms and says in a scornful voice, “I refuse to listen to this nonsense.” By then the T-Rex is up behind him, and with its massive jaws wide open it sinks its teeth into him and swallows him whole. The other man, meanwhile, runs off to look for a gun and rally people to defend themselves against the monster.
Islam is the Tyrannosaurus Rex. It has consumed a fifth of the human race. Yet the part of the human race that has not yet been devoured is divided between a small number of people who understand it for the carnivore that it is and the larger number who believe it is herbivorous. The ones who understand try their best to warn about it. They shout, jump up and down, pay for ads on buses, write articles and books, and blog about it until their fingers bleed. But the rest of the people cross their arms and say, “I refuse to believe what you are saying. It is not at all what you are talking about. It is a religion of peace.”

KIDS PLAYING JUMP ROPE WITH A FRIENDLY TYRANNOSAURUS REX. Many people continue to think that Islam is just like any other religion, neither better nor worse. Many firmly believe it is a religion of peace, tame like a T-Rex that loves to jump rope with the kids. Click here to view this amusing .gif file. (Source of this image and the other images in this article: Pinterest)
Islam will never jump ropes. It is not playful and cuddly and never will be. It has swallowed entire civilizations, worthy creations of humanity that had millennial histories behind them before they were devoured. Western civilization is not immune from being devoured.
Sensible people — and their numbers are growing — realize this and are looking for weapons to defend themselves and their civilization. The best weapon that can be used to defend your civilization and bring this monster that is coming down Main Street to an end is by exposing the truth about the man who created the monster.
Here is the truth about him:
He was given the name Muhammad and he grew up with epileptic experiences that led him to believe he was in communion with the divine, a common experience with people who suffer from epilepsy.
What was different about this epileptic was that he did not like being laughed at when he told his compatriots that God talked to him. Or when he came up with verses that he insisted were from God and were transmitted to him by an angel. He did not like to be made fun of and shunned by people who thought he was strange even though he was indeed strange. The more he pushed this idea about himself as someone God talked to, the more people ridiculed him — and the angrier he got.
He threatened to bring them slaughter, and he brought them slaughter after they ran him out of town. He attacked their caravans and defeated them in battles and threw the bodies of their leaders down a well. Then he turned on other people who also ridiculed his claim that God talked to him, particularly the Jews. The Jews thought he was a fraud because he claimed to be a prophet in the line of Abraham, yet he wasn’t even a Jew. And he took their prophet stories and rewrote them so that he was the hero of the narrative, the best and the last of the prophets. The Jews made fun of him, so he murdered them, and he kept murdering until people throughout Arabia were so afraid of him they joined his religion.
What you don’t know about Islam can hurt you. One way or another, if you don’t turn around and take a good look at what’s coming your way, it could end up like this for you:
Islam needs to be thrown onto the ash heap of history. It can made to become like this collection of bones below, an object of interest to museum goers and creaky-jointed historians who sift through the ash pile to understand how those bones got there.
This can come about. It is a matter of an aggressive, relentless, and unapologetic exposure of the truth about Muhammad in every graphic form possible, particularly in film. Relatively few people read books, but everyone is exposed to video, so these truths need to be brought to the small screen and the big screen. The more people exposed to the horrifying truth about the creator of Islam, the firmer the resistance to what he created. More and more people will be persuaded to turn around and look at what is coming. They will see the Tyrannosaurus Rex in time to do something about it.

What you don’t know about Muhammad can hurt you. Find out all about him and you will understand why Muslims do what they do: Amazon.com
The truth about Muhammad is grotesque, and learning about this truth is becoming easier since new books and new materials are coming out all of the time, such as the two books posted on this blog.
It’s a matter of learning the truth and doing something with it, and ultimately it will bring a long overdue demise to what Muhammad created. The truth about him is the weapon, the details of his life the ammunition, and the Internet, TV, and the movie theater the delivery systems.
It can be done. You can do it.
Think big!
This article may be reproduced in whole or in part provided the following attribution is given: Article by F. W. Burleigh, author of It’s All About Muhammad, a Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet. He blogs at www.itsallaboutmuhammad.com