Archive for April, 2015

Kill unbelievers: Inside the mind of a jihadist


“There is global unanimity that jihad is an obligation.” — Mohamed Hamdouch.

“My convictions emanate from what Allah said: You must kill the non-believers, regardless of whether they are Muslims or atheists.” — Mohamed Hamdouch.

“Beheading is permitted in Islam. I recommend you read the Suras [chapters] of Al-Anfal (8), At-Tawbah (9) and Mohammed (47).” — Mohamed Hamdouch.

“I swear by the name of Allah, this is not violence. We are defending our religion.” — Mohamed Hamdouch.


What did Muhammad and the people around him look like?

IN THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS OF ISLAM one can find sketchy descriptions of Muhammad and his closest people — the elite of his companions as they are tagged in the literature. Nothing says it better than a photograph, but since cameras were not available in Muhammad’s time, we thought we might give an idea about how these folks looked by showing a photograph of similar people.

These similar people were those who surrounded Pancho Villa, the Mexican bandit/revolutionary who led his forces against federal armies during the Mexican Revolution. Villa left behind a group photo that can be of assistance in the matter of visualizing Muhammad and his associates. Read more »

Muhammad’s attack on Khaybar: What is past is prologue

IN VIDEOS AND NEWS REPORTS related to the Middle East, one can often find this chant: “Khaybar, khaybar ya yahud, jaish muhammad saya’ud,” meaning, “Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, Muhammad’s army will return.”

The chant means little to people who are unfamiliar with the history of Muhammad’s religion, yet it needs to be understood because it is a chilling reminder of one of the major atrocities he committed against the Jews when he attacked their oasis of Khaybar. People who chant these words today do so to warn Jews that they intend to repeat Muhammad’s horrors against them — and everyone else who is not a believer for that matter. Read more »