FOR WESTERN COUNTRIES NOW FACING an onslaught of refugees from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, and other unstable regions of the world, a simple test should be given to determine who is allowed in and who is not.
Call it the Koran test. It is a simple entrance exam that would be scored as either Pass or Fail, and it is inspired by a recent incident at a migrant shelter in Suhl, Germany.
In that incident, one of the migrants tore up a Koran and threw the pages into a toilet. When this was discovered, all hell broke loose. A group of migrants chased the perpetrator, and he would likely have been killed if it were not for the security forces that shielded him. When they could not get at him, the irate migrants armed themselves with steel bars and began showering guards and policemen with rocks. They kept at it for several more hours, smashing car windows, ransacking buildings, and tearing apart walls inside the shelter. The perpetrator is not identified, and for good reason. If his name were known, he might eventually be tracked down and killed.
Of all of these migrants, the only one that any sane country should allow into its borders is the one who tore up the Koran. Was this man Christian? Or perhaps an apostate, a Muslim who came to understand that Islam is dangerous and that the Koran nothing more than a manual of hatred and intolerance?
With migrants from Islamic countries, what you see is what you get. They pour through undefended borders, often with a haughty attitude; they leave trash everywhere they go; they demand food and accommodations and special treatment. And all too frequently they get violent with each other and with anyone who doesn’t give them what they want.
Look at some of the recent examples. There is much more than the outbreak at the German migrant shelter. Here are extracts from recent reports:

A typical scene along the migrant trail. Wherever they go, they leave their trash strewn on the ground. The migrants are overwhelmingly male, and it is feared that ISIS militants are among them. If they are Muslim, they should all be sent back to where they came from. They bring with them the a militant ideology that has harmed the world for 1,400 years. What they believe in has destroyed great civilizations. The West is not immune from Islam’s destructiveness, and it will indeed be destroyed if it continues to allow Muslims to enter.
“Half an hour ago on the border between Italy and Austria I saw a huge crowd of immigrants. With all solidarity to people in difficult circumstances I have to say that what I saw arouses horror. This huge mass of people – sorry – but it’s an absolute wilderness … vulgar, throwing bottles, shouting, ‘We want Germany.’”
He continues:
“I saw an elderly Italian woman in a car that was surrounded by the immigrants. They pulled her by the hair out of the car and wanted to use it to go to Germany. They tried to topple the bus I was in. They threw feces at us, banging on the door for the driver to open it, spat on the glass. My question is – for what purpose? How do they want to assimilate in Germany? For a moment, I felt like in a war zone. I really feel sorry for these people, but if they would reach Poland – I do not think they would receive any understanding from us.”
From Breitbart:
“The Greek island of Lesbos has been turned into a war zone by rioting migrants, leaving the island’s 85,000 residents in despair. Around 25,000 migrants are currently camped out on the island with hundreds more arriving daily, leading to frequent violent clashes and rioting despite their claim to be fleeing violence.”
From The Telegraph:
“Illegal immigrants in Calais trying to reach Britain are becoming increasingly violent, forcing police to fire tear gas to disperse gangs as they attempt to storm lorry parks, officials have warned.”
Who needs people like that?

The belief that God dictated the Koran to Muhammad is the fundamental problem of Islam, along with the Muslim belief they must follow the example of Muhammad’s behavior, which includes the murder or subjugation of people who refuse to believe in him as “God’s Messenger.”
And what of the remaining 99 percent? No matter where they rank on the scale of violence, the migrants who are Muslim bring with them what is destroying the countries from which they are fleeing. They bring their ablution and prayer routines and calls to prayer; they bring the belief the Koran is God’s word revealed to Muhammad; they bring the belief they must follow Muhammad’s example — his Sunna, which includes violence against those who reject Islam. They bring a disdain of man-made laws, and a reverence for “God’s” law, meaning Muhammad’s law. Even if most of them will never commit acts of violence, they bring the belief that Islam should dominate the world. The indoctrinated masses form the potting soil that Islamic terrorism grows out of. The ones who are eager to commit terror to advance their religion hide easily among them.

What you don’t know about Muhammad can hurt you. Find out all about him and you will understand why Muslims do what they do: Amazon.com
Say no to compassion. Say yes to self-preservation. Close the door to Muslims, but extend generosity to those deserving it — Christians and others who are persecuted by Islam. Such people can be counted on to integrate into the countries that accept them, and gratefully.
This takes us back to the Koran incident at the migrant shelter in Germany. Here is the entrance exam that a sane country should give to each and every one of these migrants: Take them one at a time into a room. Hand him – or her – a copy of the Koran and say, “Tear it up.”
If they refuse, send them back to where they came from. If they accept, roll out the welcome mat. And if they rip it apart gleefully, with vengeful élan, throw in refugee benefits as well.
In this day and age, it is the entrance exam that any country hoping to preserve itself should give.
‘This article was first published by American Thinker on September 15, 2015. The article may be reproduced in whole or in part provided the following attribution is given: Article by F. W. Burleigh, author of It’s All About Muhammad, a Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet. He blogs at www.itsallaboutmuhammad.com