JAHILIYYA IS ARABIC FOR IGNORANCE, and it is the word that Muslims use to label the era prior to the arrival of Muhammad in Arabia — the Period of Ignorance they call it, ignorance about the true religion that Muhammad was commissioned by Allah to reveal to all mankind, or so Muslims believe.
Thanks to disinformation and politically correct avoidance, Americans have a bad case of ignorance about the real Muhammad. Not knowing the facts about him in this day and age is the new jahiliyyah, and at a time of crucial national elections, what Americans don’t know about the man who is at the root of all the Islamic horror that is exploding around the world is dangerous.
Muhammad was anything but holy and his message came from anywhere but God. Take a peek behind the protective curtain that Islam has erected around its founder and you will find a strange man who fell into epileptic swoons and believed the feeling of ecstasy that his malformed temporal lobe dished up was communion with God. Not only was he strange in that way, he was also extremely violent and killed and terrorized people who refused to believe him when he told them God talked to him through an angel.

Donald Trump and Ben Carson and other Republican candidates have stated their belief that Islam is a problem and not compatible with the American Constitution, but none have as yet spoken out about the real problem of Islam: Muhammad. Muhammad drew on the energy of the dark side of human nature to advance his cause. His Koran is a dangerous concoction of hatred and contempt for people who rejected him. His violence toward them set the example that his followers have emulated for 1,400 years. The candidate who will open up a national discussion about the disturbing truth about Muhammad will likely be the next president of the United States.
It is likely few people know that in spreading his cult Muhammad committed almost every crime listed by the International Criminal Tribunal as a crime against humanity, yet two-thirds of the biographical details about him in the original Islamic literature give blow-by-blow accounts of these crimes (***See the bottom of the article for the ICT statute). His crimes would get him hung today. They certainly discredit everything he claimed about himself.
It is certain that few people realize that Muhammad was an intellectual thief. He took the prophet legends of the Jews and refashioned them so that he was the hero of their stories — the last and final prophet before the days of resurrection and judgment. He took his resurrection and judgment stories from Judaism and Christianity and again inserted himself as the hero: He will be the first to be resurrected, and he will assist God in determining who should be spared the flames of hell. He will be the Creator’s right hand man. There is a word for this in psychiatry: It’s called grandiosity, a serious mental ailment. Muhammad was afflicted with it to the point that he declared himself to be the interface between God and man.
Even fewer people understand that everything they do not know about Muhammad — and this is certainly the most troubling part of America’s jahiliyyah — constitutes the best weapon that can be used in defense against what he created. What Muhammad created wants to take over the world, and it is making rapid progress. The best weapon to counter it is out there. It’s a matter learning about the weapon and doing something with it.
At a time of choosing new leaders, Americans remain immersed in jahiliyyah, and this is because no one speaks the truth to them. Politicians, academics, journalists, and even many clerics are ignorant about what is behind Islam. The ones with a few ideas give the politically correct spin to what little they know. Yet it is not possible to understand what Islam does without understanding Muhammad. You cannot defend yourself against what you do not understand, but you can be defeated by it.
Who will speak the truth? Who will lead America out of its jahiliyyah?

Another Democrat in the White House would be another Islam enabler. That would mean another four years or eight years of Islamic expansion into the United States. The West has two enemies: The first is a ruling class that enables this evil, the second is the evil itself. Get rid of the first and the second can be brought to an end.
The only hope is with the Republicans, but to date, only a few of the candidates have made statements about Islam, and these have been timid. Like boxers, they have danced around the subject, but have not yet thrown any punches.
Donald Trump has made the boldest of the timid statements. As far back as 2010, he said that world has a “Muslim problem,” a claim he repeated after becoming a candidate for the Republican nomination for president. After a lot of hedging and making a distinction between “radical” Muslims and “moderate” Muslims, he recently told Greta Van Susteren: “You do have a problem with the radical Muslims and the whole thing that’s going on around the world … a lot of people don’t want to hear about it. They think it’s not politically correct to say whatever you want to say about it, but the problem exists so we have to talk about it.
Good, but not adequate. Why are Muslims a problem? Is it because of the Koran, or Sharia law, or jihad? Certainly, but who composed the Koran? Whose law is Sharia law? Who brought about jihad? There is a culprit in all of this, and his name is Muhammad. Say it, Donald.
Ben Carson has also nibbled around the edges. Trump is like most people in that he relies on his gut to tell him what is true and what is false and his gut leads him to say what he has said on the subject. Carson gives the impression he knows more, that he has studied it to some extent. His entry into this important topic came on Sept. 19 when he stated on NBC’s Meet the Press that he would find it unacceptable to have a Muslim as president of the United States because the Islamic faith is inconsistent with the Constitution. He backtracked the next day by saying he could support a Muslim for president as long as he placed the Constitution above Muhammad’s law. Stick to your guns, Ben. Don’t backtrack. There is a culprit who needs to be denounced, and his name is Muhammad.

Muhammad beheaded 900 men and boys of a Jewish tribe of Yathrib (Medina) following a battle with his Meccan enemies during which the Jews agreed to fight with the Meccans against him, but then changed their minds. Muhammad used this as a pretext to kill all the men and adolescent boys, seize all the property of the tribe, and enslave the women and children. He forced one of the prettiest girls of the tribe to become part of his harem as a sex slave. His real motive for these barbarous acts was vengeance against the Jews for refusing to accept him and his religion. (Illustration from It’s All About Muhammad, a Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet.)
That is what Americans want: They want someone who will speak the truth about Islam, someone who will make the connection between what Muslims do and Muhammad and show its incompatibility with America.
It is still early in the campaign. The candidates who have not yet done so still have time to learn the biography and traditions about Muhammad and read the Koran and see the connection between his life and the correlative entries in the Koran. This knowledge is essential for a candidate who would lead America out of its jahiliyyah because among the most ignorant are tendentious people in the media who ask gotcha questions about Islam in order to label the candidate a racist or a bigot. Thus the candidates are tempted to keep their mouths shut.
Knowledge is the best defense. Imagine Trump or Carson or Cruz being interviewed by Rachel Maddow, or Chris Matthews, or better yet by Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, and the crew from ABC’s The View. Imagine the candidate stating that the fundamental problem of Islam is the belief that God talked to Muhammad, that it is a false and dangerous premise because it leads Muslims to commit violence. To contain the likely outrage, the candidate would have to hold up his hands, furrow his brow and say, “Here’s a Koran verse that illustrates what I’m saying: ‘Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth.’” (Koran 33:26) Before he can be interrupted, the candidate points out that Muhammad composed that verse after beheading 900 men and boys of a Jewish tribe because they refused to accept him as their prophet, then confiscated their homes and land and sold all of the women and children into slavery, but kept one of the prettiest of the Jewish girls for himself as a sex slave.
Rather revolting behavior for someone who is supposed to be a holy man, don’t you think ladies? The candidate then concludes: “Muslims are violent because Muhammad was violent. They are obligated to follow his example.”

What you don’t know about Muhammad can hurt you. Find out all about him and you will understand why Muslims do what they do: Amazon.com
Most Americans know in their gut there is something screwy about Islam, but they are not able to look behind the curtain to see the twisted creature behind it. The wrap is secure and firmly held by Muslims and their enablers. Islam is all about the twisted creature they are hiding, and it always will be because Islam is all about his delusional claim that God talked to him. Take Muhammad out of it and there is nothing left.
This needs to be said again and again: You cannot defend yourself against what you do not understand, but you can be defeated by it.
Americans want to know the truth about Islam. The candidate who will tell them the truth will likely be the next president of the United States.
A version of this articles was first published by American Thinker. It may be used in whole or in part provided the following attribution is given: F. W. Burleigh is the author of It’s All About Muhammad, a Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet. His book is based on a line-by-line study of 20,000 pages of the original literature of Islam, and contains 25 illustrations, half of them “depicting” atrocities Muhammad committed. The author blogs at www.itsallaboutmuhammad.com.
Based on the evidence found in the canonical literature, Muhammad could be charged with nearly every crime against humanity included in the definitions of such crimes in Part 2, Article 7, of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal: 1. For the purpose of this Statute, “crime against humanity” means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
(a) Murder
(b) Extermination
(c) Enslavement
(d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population
(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law
(f) Torture
(g) Rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity
(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious, gender as defined in paragraph 3, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court
(i) Enforced disappearance of persons
(j) The crime of apartheid
(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
See: http://www.preventgenocide.org/law/icc/statute/part-a.htm#2