This is not a joke: Muslim migrants want ban on jokes about Islam

(UK EXPRESS) — By Ida Akerstedt

A new study found the majority of Muslims in Austria want jokes about Islam to be banned.

The study, conducted by the Danube University of Krems, revealed a major contrast between typical Austrian values and those of migrants from countries like Somalia and Chechnya, who have fare more religious views.

The researchers found that 60 per cent of those interviewed believed jokes about Islam should be banned, while a quarter said Islam should influence the country’s laws.

Those who take offense to Islamic jokes also varies wildly country by country – as many as 70 per cent of Somalians wanted to ban jokes about Islam, while only 14 per cent of Iranians agreed a ban on jokes was necessary.

Chechens and Somalians also overwhelmingly agreed Islam should play more of a role in Austrian society, with as many as 72 per cent of Somalians wanting more Islam in Austria’s culture.

This year, Austria approved a series of measures aimed at integrating migrants, including a burka ban and the introduction of mandatory language lessons.

The controversial ban to block residents from wearing full-face coverings in public was met with fury from some human rights group and condemnation from many Muslim organizations.

But the country’s foreign minister Sebastian Kurz, who was behind the legislation, shrugged off criticism and vowed to get the proposals passed into law.