Tagged: global terrorism

Global terrorism soars with number of attacks rising 25% every year – and ISIS are responsible for a third

(UK MIRROR) — Global terrorism is soaring with the number of attacks increasingly rapidly by more than 25% every year.

Islamic State fighters were responsible for more than a third of the world’s 24,202 deaths from terrorism last year.

In 2015 there 18,987 terror attacks in the world, with terrorism being defined as violence committed by “armed non-state groups and individuals”.

The feared terror group ISIS was behind just 18% of all of last year’s recorded attacks worldwide but remains the priority for most western security forces.

Research shows the group is the most effective at killing sworn enemies as in the years 2015 and 2016 its fighters launched 4,236 attacks resulting in the deaths of 10,807 civilians or other non- militants, such as soldiers.

And the latest figures suggest ISIS killings outside the Middle East are on the rise – as figures for non-Middle East ISIS attacks in 2015 rose from eight per cent to sixteen per cent the following year.

These figures reflect the number of deaths from ISIS-affiliated attacks across Europe in the past two years.