Tagged: jihad

Kill unbelievers: Inside the mind of a jihadist


“There is global unanimity that jihad is an obligation.” — Mohamed Hamdouch.

“My convictions emanate from what Allah said: You must kill the non-believers, regardless of whether they are Muslims or atheists.” — Mohamed Hamdouch.

“Beheading is permitted in Islam. I recommend you read the Suras [chapters] of Al-Anfal (8), At-Tawbah (9) and Mohammed (47).” — Mohamed Hamdouch.

“I swear by the name of Allah, this is not violence. We are defending our religion.” — Mohamed Hamdouch.


Islam and socialism: two sides of the same coin

(GATES OF VIENNA) — I would posit that, if it were not for semantic nuances, socialism and Islam would be seen as two related sects of the same ‘club’ of hate. It is dangerous to be an unbeliever in a Stalinist state, and it is life-threatening to be a dissident in an Islamic State.

Running through each sect is a jumble of words, words that do not mean what they intend to mean, and are designed to deceive and confuse their victims.

Modern socialism emerged following the Stalinist victory in WWII, where the military need to support Russia on the basis that my “enemy’s enemy is my friend” required undue co-operation with Soviet agencies, who in their turn were not slow to exploit the trusting generosity of their hosts for the benefit of their evil empire.

In the same way Islamists, too, have, in the form of the overtly fascist Muslim Brotherhood, penetrated and influenced Western thought processes attuned to that same modern socialism.

Both organisations lay undisputed claim to the moral high ground, they see themselves as righteous “kings of the castle(s)” and that their opponents are the “dirty old rascals”.


Komrade Kabah: Read this amusing take on our Kabah article!

(THE PEOPLE’S CUBE) — In the beginning of the world, there was the Cube. Every Muslim will tell you that, and we are not making this up. They call it Kabah, which is Arabic for “the Cube.”

People from all corners of the earth gather to the Cube in Mecca for education and enlightenment. Only instead of rotating it like we do with the People’s Cube, they run in circles around it, like the unionized electricians of a certain non-Muslim ethnic minority who rotate the stepladder while changing the light bulb.

Since the rest of the Islamic narrative about the Cube’s origin is not in compliance with the Marxist theory of Historical Materialism, below is a korrekted version, developed by the scientists of the Karl Marx Treatment Center.

Adam, the first man to evolve from the ape, built the Cube as a symbol of equality, making sure that each side was equal to the next and painted with the same colorblind-friendly black pigment.

During the Great Flood the Cube sustained significant water damage. It was then further scrambled by Islamophobic non-unionized idolaters, but later unscrambled back by Abraham and Ishmael (the first Arab to evolve from the Jew™). Finally, Allah hired Mohammed to liberate the Cube from the unenlightened corporate rednecks and the white-collar Jews who inhabited Mecca.


Similarities between Islam and the Mafia

(CITIZEN WARRIOR) — Raymond Ibrahim wrote a three-part series on the similarities between Islam and the mafia. The parallels are striking, and I don’t think it’s a coincidence. The birthplace of the mafia, Sicily, was the first Italian territory to be conquered by Islam (in the year 827), and it was ruled by Islam for 234 years.

The word “mafia” itself is derived from an Arabic word meaning “aggressive boasting.”

Perhaps some Sicilians saw firsthand the deadly effectiveness of the Islamic way of doing things, and adapted the methods to their own goals.

However it happened, the similarities are numerous. Below is a synopsis of Ibrahim’s list of parallels. At the end you will find links to the three articles in the series. They are very much worth reading. In fact, they ought to be studied and used in your conversations with people in the same way you use talking about Bushido or Scientology to bypass objections when talking about Islam. Here is Ibrahim’s list of similarities:


A warning about Islam: “Hey, have you heard the one about the T-Rex at Fifth and Main?”

IT GOES LIKE THIS: Two men at the corner of Fifth and Main are engrossed in conversation. As they jabber away, one of them looks over the shoulder of the other and sees a Tyrannosaurus Rex coming down Main Street. He says to his friend, “Hey, there’s a Tyrannosaurus Rex coming our way!” The other guy says, “Oh, come on, that’s impossible,” and he resumes talking about what he was talking about. The other man says, “I’m not kidding. Just turn around and look for yourself.” But his friend is adamant. “Don’t be silly,” he says. By then the man who sees what’s coming is frantic because the monster is getting closer and closer. In exasperation, he says, “Look, all you gotta do is turn around, and you will see for yourself what I’m talking about!” But the other man crosses his arms and says in a scornful voice, “I refuse to listen to this nonsense.” By then the T-Rex is up behind him, and with its massive jaws wide open it sinks its teeth into him and swallows him whole. The other man, meanwhile, runs off to look for a gun and rally people to defend themselves against the monster. Read more »

Another made kid of Allah: ISIS child executes alleged Israeli spy

» Another made kid of Allah: ISIS child executes alleged Israeli spy

There is no such a thing as ‘moderate’ Islam

» There is no such a thing as ‘moderate’ Islam

Religion of Peace!


Muhammad fled from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina) in A.D. 622 after the Meccans decided they had to kill him to preserve their way of life. In Yathrib, he built a mosque and used it as his al-qaeda—his base—to wage war on the Meccans and then on people who refused to accept him and his religion. He carried out at least 80 raids on caravans, towns, villages, and Bedouin encampments, killing, plundering, and enslaving until his death in A.D. 632. He was famous for his chilling battle cry, “Kill! Kill! Kill!” The following is excerpted from It’s All About Muhammad, A Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet.

IMAGINE THE SCENE AT MUHAMMAD’S mosque on the eve of a raid:

Muhammad is sitting in the pulpit of the preacher platform. He is angry and shakes his fist at the crowds in the prayer area and courtyard. Fighting in the cause of Allah is an obligation for Submitters, he tells them, but many of the faithful are resisting going to war and have been coming to him with excuses. He reminds them of their duty by reciting one of his Koran verses: “Fighting is enjoined on you, and it is an object of dislike to you; and it may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you love a thing while it is evil for you, and Allah knows, while you do not know.”[1] Read more »

Obama’s defense of Islam burned with the pilot

IT IS HARDLY A SURPRISE that immediately after news came out that ISIS had burned a captured Jordanian pilot to death that Barack Hussein Obama absolved Islam of the crime.

ISIS released a video on Tuesday of its execution-by-incineration of the pilot, who was captured in December after his plane crashed in ISIS controlled territory. ISIS had been threatening to execute him if their zealots jailed in Jordan were not released. Read more »

A timeline of Islamic expansion

By Dan McLaughlin

Let me put down here some facts that are worth returning to from time to time, as arguments over the history of Islam and Islamism are back in the news with today’s beheading in London. In debates over the history of tension between Muslims and Christians, the Crusades are often cited, out of their historical context, as the original cause of such clashes, as if both sides were peaceably minding their own business before imperialist Westerners decided to go launch a religious war in Muslim lands.

This is not what actually happened, and indeed it is ahistorical to treat the fragmented feudal states of the West in the Eleventh Century as capable of any such thing as imperialism or colonialism (although, as Victor Davis Hanson has noted, even in the centuries after the fall of Rome, Western civilization retained a superior logistical ability to project force overseas due to the scientific, economic and military legacies of ancient Greece and Rome). Moreover, when Islam first arose, much of what we think of today as Islamic ‘territory’ in Anatolia, the Levant and North Africa was Christian until conquered by the heirs of Muhammad, such that speaking of one side’s incursions into the other’s territory requires you to ignore how that territory was seized in the first place. That entire region had been part of the Roman and later Byzantine empires, and was culturally part of the West until it was conquered by Muslim arms – Rome is closer geographically to Tripoli than to London, Madrid is closer to Casablanca than to Berlin, Athens is closer to Damascus than to Paris.