Tagged: Muhammad

Geert Wilders recommends Islam be re-categorized as political, not religious

(VDARE) — Dutch politician and freedom fighter Geert Wilders has an unusual but eminently sensible idea, namely that we westerners should reclassify Islam as a totalitarian political system rather than a religion. Treating violent Islam like a normal religion certainly misunderstands the ultimate purpose of the jihad movement, that of world conquest where the entire planet would be run according to repressive misogynous sharia law.

When the jihadists say a world caliphate is their aim, they are serious and dedicated to that goal. Hijrah should be a word more in common usage: it means jihad conquest accomplished through immigration, and the current situation of open borders into and within Europe is absolutely deadly.

The Koran does have over 100 verses that promote violence as a way to advance the belief: e.g. (Quran 4:76) – “Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah…”

Back to Geert Wilders, he recently sat down with Ezra Levant of Rebel Media for a half-hour chat about various subjects concerning politics and civilization. VDARE transcribed the section about re-imagining Islam which seems particularly important now, when western societies are jumping through hoops to treat Muslims like Methodists.

EZRA LEVANT: (19:40) All across the West, there’s a belief in freedom of religion. Is Islam more than just a religion?

GEERT WILDERS: Islam is NOT a religion. I know it sounds crazy, and I know I don’t get a lot of support for that idea, but I strongly believe that Islam might be dressed up as a religion: it has a holy book, it has a temple, it looks like a religion, but it’s more an ideology and a totalitarian ideology than a religion. You cannot compare it with Christianity and Judaism, and you should compare it with other totalitarian ideologies like communism or fascism. I always use one example to prove it — there are many more that — like in communism or fascism, the penalty is death if you want to leave it. I mean, you cannot leave Islam: if you are an apostate, if you are a renegade, the penalty is death, and even today in our societies, let alone in the Islamic societies, it is enacted upon, you know people ARE killed for that reason, and you can leave Christianity, you can leave Judaism.

So and the other point is that Islam wants to rule the world — as you know Islam means to subjugate, wants to rule and dominate and subjugate, not only the person’s life but also a whole society. The rule of God, the rule of allah, the rule of the Quran and the Hadith is the rule of the society. I’m not talking about all Muslims, I’m talking about the ideology, and the idea of ideology cannot integrate and assimilate in a society, it wants to dominate it and it wants to subjugate with violence.

The Quran is full of more violence and anti-semitism than Mein Kampf, for instance. People and academics have proved that, so our biggest mistake is, once again, the false equality that we say that Islam is a religion, so they have the freedom of religion. And I believe it’s not religion; it should not be treated as a religion, and the constitutional freedoms of religion do not apply to an ideology. We would not allow in Holland Nazi schools for instance — it’s another totalitarian ideology. Why do we have Islamic schools? Where young children at five, six, seven, eight years old that we want to integrate, get a job, get Dutch friends, participate fully and equally in the Dutch society are being caught up with the Quran and ideology of hate and thought . . .

We should stand up and be tolerant to the people or ideologies that are tolerant to us.


How to bring an end to Islam

PEOPLE WHO ARE TERRIFIED BY THE RELENTLESS advance of Islam should take comfort in the fact that no one in Athens today believes that Zeus resides on Mount Olympus or that no one in Rome still worships at the temple of Jupiter.

Zeus and Jupiter were deity myths that bound Greek and Roman civilizations together, but they were ultimately discarded when people began to see they were nothing more than fabulous stories.

Why this should be comforting to people today is the fact that Islam is based entirely on a myth, one whose demise is long overdue. This is the myth that God talked to Muhammad, that he was God’s “messenger.” Everything Muslims believe and everything they do is derived from that primary, bedrock myth.

Given that Islam aspires eventually to take over the entire world and that it is making rapid progress in infiltrating and undermining the West, isn’t it time to go after the myth that sustains it? To destroy the myth about Muhammad is to destroy what he created. Read more »

ISIS: “Holy war is an integral part of Islam”


The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has released a video response to the terrorist attacks in Brussels. The attacks were carried out in ISIS’s name by an independent network of Muslim terrorists. The video both endorsed their action, and repeated ISIS’s frequent call for more of what the ISIS leader calls “volcanoes of jihad.”

ISIS’s video statement reminded Muslims of the duty of jihad. “Every Muslim who is well aware of the history of Islam, knows that the holy war against infidels is an integral part of Islam,” according to the video.

They’ve got a point.

The word jihad occurs in the Koran in 164 separate verses. Jihad as war is set apart from the tribal warfare common to Mohammed’s lifetime, and sanctified as a special and divinely-blessed activity. It is both a duty and an opportunity to gain in divine favor, and to enrich one’s self through the seizing of the goods of non-Muslims who do not yet submit to Islam.

Islam’s greatest philosophers endorsed this position. Avicenna, the Persian philosopher frequently cited by Muslims, Jews, and Christians alike, wrote of jihad in this way. Jihad was in a class of beneficial acts, he said, that were good not only for the soul but for “worldly benefits,” because you got to plunder the enemy. (This is in his Metaphysics of the Healing, Book Ten, Chapter Three, if you are following along at home.) He went on to write that, “as for enemies and those who oppose the law, [the legislator] must decree waging war against them and destroying them — after calling on them to accept the truth — and [decree] that their property and women must be declared free for the spoil.” (That’s in Book Ten, Chapter Five.)

Likewise, in Reliance of the Traveler: The Classic Manual of Islamic Sacred Law, Ahamd ibn Naqib al-Misri states that “Jihad means to wage war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada, signifying warfare to establish the religion.”

This has been a consistent feature of the writings of the finest minds in Islam for a thousand years, in other words. They are the ones behind Islamic reformer Sultan Shaheen’s remarks that “For hundreds of years now, major Muslim theologians have been engaged in creating a coherent theology of intolerance and violence in order to expand the Islamic reach.” He clarified, “Luminaries of Islam have established a theology which primarily says that Islam must conquer the world.”

That’s all ISIS is saying. When are we going to be honest about the depth of the problem?


Muslim leader in US: “Islam is not here to integrate. Islam is here to dominate”


At least there is one Muslim in America who is open and honest about what Islam is and what it is here for. No taqiyya, no mincing of words. Islam is here to dominate.

Haitham Ibn Thbait, of the American chapter of Hizb Ut-Tahrir, told American Muslims earlier this year that Islam was not here to integrate, but rather to dominate.

“The Prophet said: ‘There is no god but Allah,’ said Thbait. “Instead the [elites of Mecca] rejected. They offered the Prophet wealth, status, and political representation – a seat on the executive branch within Mecca’s secular order – all to avoid this statement and its implications. Yet he rejected their offers and continued his journey towards radical change, providing us with step-by-step instructions on how to make this religion supreme.”

“The elites of Mecca would use every possible measure to coerce or contain Muhammad’s call for change within specific parameters,” he added. “Those parameters would permit the changing of anything that did not threaten their system and infringe on their power. But this message is not here to integrate. It is here to dominate. Islam is here to dominate! This was an ideological struggle, the sole purpose of which was to organize Man’s affairs in accordance with a system revealed by Allah.”

“There was no room for compromise,” Thbait continued. “Instead Allah revealed to the Prophet, saying: ‘Proclaim openly, as commanded, and turn away from those who associate others with Allah.’ ‘Proclaim openly, as commanded by Allah’ – this is our activism. It is free of polytheism, the polytheism of a secular system. Activism within a flawed infidel system is forbidden.”

There is definitely a problem with polytheism in our land, but Islam will not help that since it is a flawed ideology that thrives on death, not life, and because it is an anti-christ religion at its heart.

He then said:

You cannot raise your hands to Allah, while extending your hands to men for legislation. Every four years, you do just that. Muslims are pressured to get out there and vote, believing somehow that their insignificant numbers have an impact. The effort to get Muslims out there to vote has never been about their significance. It is part of an effort to assimilate Muslims.

They have tricked Muslims into voting for Clinton, who went on to starve half a million children in Iraq to death. They tricked Muslims into voting for Bush, who went on to bomb two Muslim countries and kill millions. And they went on to trick Muslims to vote for Obama, who bombed seven Muslim countries and killed millions.

The argument used was always the “lesser of evils.” So now, killing millions of Muslims is a “lesser evil.” “What is the matter with you? How do you judge?” [Quran 68:36] The ballots have brought you nothing but disgrace, and have soaked you with the blood of your Muslim brothers and sisters. The problem with their system is not the scores of dead. It is deeper than that. It is their secular faith. It is in direct opposition with our creed, when Allah says: “Legislation belongs to none other than Allah.”

Muhammad and his companions established for us a political system where sovereignty belongs to Allah and not to the elites, where politics meant caring for the affairs of Mankind, not only the elites, where da’wa was conveyed to the whole of society, not only to the oppressed and excluding the elites. This system was not for the 99% or the 1%. This system was for the 100%. For those of us in the West, Allah granted us the opportunity to be amidst a people so misinformed that the truth we offer will resonate. Our voice is our greatest weapon, and our silence is our worst enemy.


Global terrorism soars with number of attacks rising 25% every year – and ISIS are responsible for a third

(UK MIRROR) — Global terrorism is soaring with the number of attacks increasingly rapidly by more than 25% every year.

Islamic State fighters were responsible for more than a third of the world’s 24,202 deaths from terrorism last year.

In 2015 there 18,987 terror attacks in the world, with terrorism being defined as violence committed by “armed non-state groups and individuals”.

The feared terror group ISIS was behind just 18% of all of last year’s recorded attacks worldwide but remains the priority for most western security forces.

Research shows the group is the most effective at killing sworn enemies as in the years 2015 and 2016 its fighters launched 4,236 attacks resulting in the deaths of 10,807 civilians or other non- militants, such as soldiers.

And the latest figures suggest ISIS killings outside the Middle East are on the rise – as figures for non-Middle East ISIS attacks in 2015 rose from eight per cent to sixteen per cent the following year.

These figures reflect the number of deaths from ISIS-affiliated attacks across Europe in the past two years.


Islam Destroys the Conscience

(INFO ON ISLAM) — ALL of Islam derives from Mohammed and nowhere else. Even aspects of Islam that appear to derive from Christianity and Judaism are actually corrupted versions of those religions which have been twisted and perverted to suit Mohammed’s psychopathic agenda.

By our standards, Mohammed’s actions were evil. But Muslims live in a different moral universe from the rest of us, where the very definition of good and evil are determined by what Mohammed (the Perfect man) did and said. Islam aims to completely destroy the conscience and free will of the Muslim and replace it with the cloned behavior of a psychopathic megalomaniac.

The Golden Rule or Ethic of Reciprocity is the basis of all religions apart from Islam (and maybe Satanism). It says ‘Treat others as you would like to be treated’ or ‘That which is hateful to you, do not do to another’.

But in Islam, the ‘Ethic of Reciprocity’ applies only to Muslims. The nearest approximation to the Golden Rule is “None of you truly believes until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for himself”. In other words, share the booty equally with your fellow (male) Muslims.

In contrast, Allah encourages murder, rape, pillage, extortion, parasitism and enslavement of non-Muslims, who are ‘najis’ subhumans to be treated as expendable garbage. Reciprocity does not extend beyond the global gang (Ummah). Muslim ethics are the ethics of the Mafia.

Islam is not about following one’s conscience, but about correct behavior. If one imitates the behaviors of Mohammed (The Perfect Man), then one has done all that is required to be a good Muslim. Hence ethical principles, as we understand them, are not a part of Islam.

With no system of morality or ethics as we would understand it, the greatest good is to work towards Islam’s domination of the entire world , and to achieve this objective any means are justified, just as Mohammed was vicious and ruthless in using any means to spread his cult.

Mohammed murdered, tortured, raped, looted, lied and extorted to further the expansion of Islam, and his modern followers do exactly the same.


PEW Poll Analysis: A billion Muslims want Sharia law

(MUSLIM STATISTICS) — Human rights activist Pamela Geller has brought to attention an interesting analysis from one of her readers:

Recently, after reading parts of the Koran, I have become a bit frustrated that no one seems to understand the magnitude of the Muslim threat. People look at at the Pew report and they seem to think that the results are mixed, and that there really “aren’t that many” radical Muslims. So I sat down today and actually ran the numbers; I’m attaching a page from that analysis which shows my results. My hope is that you may wish to publish them, or portions thereof, in one of your columns.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that with 1.6B Muslims, even if 10% of them were radical, that’s 160 million people: about half of the total US population. But in looking closer at their survey, I’d put the number closer to 25%.

My analysis focused only on the questions about Sharia law: (1) Should the law of the land be Sharia law?; and (2) should that apply to everyone, including non-Muslims? Pew asked question (1) in countries that account for about a billion Muslims, and question (2) in countries that account for about 830 million. If you accept their results in just the countries they surveyed, we learn that:

— 70%, or 700 million Muslims out of the billion represented by Q1 of their survey, want Sharia law to be the law of the land;

— 32%, or 266 million Muslims out of the 840 million represented by Q2 of their survey, want to force it upon everyone.

I don’t know about you, but I’d say that alone represents over a quarter billion “radical” Muslims, with only just over half (53%) of their total population accounted for by the survey.


Newsflash: Muhammad will sit at the right hand of God on Judgment Day!

Muhammad suffered numerous psychological disorders, not the least of which was grandiosity, a pathological drive to aggrandize one’s importance. The strongest evidence for this is that he preached that he will be with God on the Day of Judgment to “intercede” in deciding who is spared the flames of hell or who gets released from the furnace and allowed into paradise–God’s right hand man, so to speak. He will carry out this role as barrister for the faithful either while in prostration before the Lord or seated in a mini-throne next to God. Ever the modest prophet, he was never sure about which way it will be.

Read this article and you will find out what gets crammed into the typical Muslim head and leads them to do the strange things they do, such as saying “Peace be upon him” at every mention of Muhammad’s name.

The following is taken from the chapter “Intercession” from the book, It’s All About Muhammad, A Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet. Footnotes citing the original literature of Islam are included to show that none of this is made up.

LIKE A GENERALISSIMO WITH A CHEST FULL OF MEDALS AND RIBBONS, Muhammad awarded himself a breathtaking sweep of titles over the course of his career as self-anointed prophet.

In the earliest phase he called himself The Kind, The Truthful, The Beloved, The Chosen One, The Bearer of Good Tidings, The Light Personified, The Light-giving Lamp, and more. These were titles he gave himself in various verses of the Koran, and hardly a chapter was without a line in praise of himself or his compositions. In the middle of his career, the self-praise turned Orwellian. Just as he was assassinating critics, mass murdering Jews, awarding the fields and plantations of his victims to his friends, and taking into his bed women whose husbands he had just butchered, he became The Perfect Man, The Best of Mankind, The Model of Conduct, God’s Mercy to Mankind, and more. At the end of his career, his grandiose idea about himself leaped beyond the bounds of the planet when he became The Gatherer—the one who would be the first to be resurrected on the Day of Judgment and lead the multitudes for their adjudication before God. And on that fateful day he would be The Intercessor and The One Whose Intercession Shall Be Granted.[1],[2] Read more »

Newsflash: Muhammad found dead in bunker after allies storm Medina stronghold

(Peninsula News Service/PNS) — The coalition of Arab and Byzantine forces today found the body of Muhammad, the self-proclaimed “Messenger of God,” in a fortified bunker underneath his mosque after a fierce battle in central Medina.

The body was decapitated, and a spokesman for the Byzantine military said that Muhammad ordered one of his closest aides to behead him so that he would not fall into the hands of “monkeys and pigs,” as he called Jews and Christians. Two of his wives and several of his followers who surrendered when coalition forces stormed the mosque complex early this morning identified the body.

The death of Muhammad marks the end of a two month military campaign involving 30,000 Byzantine troops, 15,000 Arab warriors, and 3,000 Jewish fighters to bring an end to the reign of terror that Muhammad and his cultists had imposed throughout Arabia. Read more »

“Never give in! Never, never, never, never.”

THE RECENT MASS MURDERS IN PARIS and San Bernardino were committed by people who believed that Muhammad revealed the will of God to the world, that he was the “last and final” prophet before the day of doom when all of mankind will be brought before God for judgment.

To people like Syed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik, the San Bernardino killers, heaven will be the reward for those who were guided by the light Muhammad revealed. Hell will be the punishment for those who rejected the light. The “light” Muhammad brought included the murder of people who rejected him and his religion, so following his light, Farook and his wife turned into mass killers.

The idea behind the shooting is the need to spread terror so that people will ultimately submit to Islam, to Muhammad’s “light.” Read more »