Tagged: Staffordshire’s Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)

Islam brainwashing school children with pro-Islam indoctrination

(BARE NAKED ISLAM) — UK Parents who are wisely refusing to send their children on school trips to mosques, where they learn how to pray to Allah, are being labeled “Islamophobes.” Schools have now been given guidance on how to handle the sensitive repugnant subject.

You can bet they won’t be teaching your children about the violent, bigoted, racist, misogynistic, anti-Christian/Jewish history of Islamic supremacism which has slaughtered nearly 300 million people…and continues to do so, even today, wherever there are people who refuse to accept Islam.

Stokes Sentinel Schools are being issued with guidance about RE trips after it emerged some parents are refusing to allow children to visit mosques.

Families have the right to withdraw pupils from visits to places of worship. Some cite costs, while others are concerned about safety or a ‘political agenda’.

Now Staffordshire’s Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) has produced a document to help schools tackle the sensitive topic. It includes a template letter to parents, outlining the value of helping pupils understand different cultures and faiths.

SACRE said requests to withdraw children from these activities was ‘a serious matter’.

The document states: “While objections are raised about visits to a number of places of worship, they are most frequently about visits to mosques, which raises the bigger issue of Islamaphobia and how this can be addressed.”

It adds: “Visits to sacred spaces bring the agreed syllabus to life and underpin the role of RE in helping to prepare and equip pupils for life and citizenship in today’s diverse and plural Britain.”

The advice includes tips on how to prepare schoolchildren for an RE trip so they ‘will be comfortable with any differences they see’. Suggestions range from having a representative of that particular faith visit the school in advance through to offering a virtual tour of a place of worship and having discussions in class.