ISLAM CAN BE SEEN AS A GANG. Its members are part of the umma, the transtribal supertribe of believers that Muhammad created 1,400 years ago. It practices the one-for-all-and-all-for-one ethos of the tribal mentality; in short, a gang.
And like any gang it has its gang sign. In photos and videos, often with the recently slain as the backdrop, you can see groups of believers flashing the distinctive Muslim gang sign: The index finger points straight up while the thumb wraps underneath and presses against the middle finger.
This display of the index finger is the Muslim affirmation of faith in Muhammad’s God concept, which is the first half of the Islamic declaration of faith: There is but one God, and Muhammad is his messenger. The index finger represents the number one and is symbolic of the one God concept. Thus when believers stick their index finger in the air, they demonstrate they are partisans of this concept. They also affirm their belief that God talked to Muhammad and dictated the contents of the Koran to him.

No, these are not actors. They really believe that God talked to Muhammad and dictated the hate-filled contents of the Koran to him.
Their finger in the air is also their way of telling you that they aspire to bring slaughter to you too unless you become part of the umma, a member of their gang. It’s part of the ethos.
Muhammad was not a deep thinker, but he was a deep borrower. He took his basic ideas from Judaism and Christianity, but modified them to suit his own ideas. To his way of thinking, there could only be one God, one creator of all things. To worship anyone or anything other than the one God was offensive to the Creator and merited eternal suffering in the fires of hell. Disbelievers in Allah and his messenger should be punished in this life too, hence Muhammad’s slaughter of people who refused to accept his idea about God. He deemed himself the instrument of God’s punishment in this world.
Muhammad was psychologically and neurologically deformed, and he entered into adulthood seething with hatred. The contemporary literature about him that is worth anything describes him as a malignant narcissist, a megalomaniac, a man who suffered from an extraordinary degree of grandiosity. He was also an epileptic whose neurological experiences led him to believe God talked to him. Epilepsy convinced him he was in communion with the divine; his psychopathic side led him to slaughter people who refused to believe him.Psychopaths are not born that way; they are created, generally through abusive early life experiences. In the original literature about Muhammad is evidence of early neglect and maternal rejection, but given the final product there had to have been more done to him while he was young that was never recorded. His epilepsy—also documented in the original literature and considered devil possession in his day—assured him even more abuse later in life. As as result of these experiences, he was so infused with hatred that he created an entire class of hate prayers to be recited by his followers at prayer time that targeted his enemies: Jews, polytheists, Christians, anybody who rejected him and refused to join his religion.
Hated was his message, violence the outcome.
Muslims are marinated in the hatred that fills his Koran. Just dipping your finger into the Koran leaves this on your skin: “Those who believe fight in the way of Allah, and those who disbelieve fight in the way of the Satan. Fight therefore against the friends of the Satan.” Koran 4:76. And, “As for those disbelieving infidels, I will punish them with a terrible agony in this world and the next. They have no one to help or save them.” Koran 3:56.
What you don’t know about Muhammad can hurt you. Find out all about him and you will understand why Muslims do what they do: Amazon.com
They slaughter in the name of Muhammad’s malformed God concept and shout Allahu Akbar. And as they stand over the corpses, they point their index finger to the heavens.
This article may be reproduced in whole or in part provided the following attribution is given: Article by F. W. Burleigh, author of It’s All About Muhammad, a Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet. www.itsallaboutmuhammad.com