Tagged: Muslim


Everything Muhammad did was scandalous. He sometimes even shocked his own people, such as when he took the wife of his adopted son and added her to his ever-expanding harem. If he lived today, his behavior would be fodder for every tabloid on the planet. We’re giving it tabloid treatment as the hottest news item of the day. This story is taken from the book, It’s All About Muhammad, A Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet:

shocked even true believers by marrying the wife of his adopted son Zayd, breaking an Arab taboo and giving the “hypocrites” ammunition to discredit him. The matter quieted down only after he threatened to strip his critics of the protection of the shahada and kill them. Read more »

Al Qaeda leader threatens: ‘The U.S. doesn’t know what’s coming its way.’

(BROOKINGS INSTITUTE via NEWSWEEK) — After an unprecedented 11 months of silence, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the emir of Al Qaeda, this week issued a video message proclaiming his loyalty to the new head of the Afghan Taliban, Mullah Akhtar Mansoor. The almost 10-minute long message dramatically reaffirms the alliance between Al Qaeda and the Taliban, a setback for efforts to bring the Taliban into a political process.

The video was released by Al Qaeda’s media arm As-Sahab, meaning “in the clouds” or an allusion to the jihadi symbolism that Al Qaeda operates in the mountains of the Hindu Kush.

According to the Pakistan newspaper Dawn, As-Sahab recently relocated its real ground game from Pakistan (where it has been operating since 2002) back to Afghanistan in Helmand province. The Afghan Taliban supported the move and provides safe haven for Al Qaeda, which means 14 years after Operation Enduring Freedom began, Al Qaeda is again running operations out of Afghanistan.

Al-Zawahri’s message underscores that Al Qaeda remains close to the Taliban. According to Dawn, a senior As-Sahab official, Qari Abu Bakr, said “the bond between us and our Taliban brothers is a solid ideological bond. The Taliban opted to lose their government and family members just to protect us. There is no question of us moving apart now after going through this war together.” In a warning to the United States, he says, “Our common enemy does not know what is coming its way.”

In his new message, al-Zawahri eulogizes Mullah Mohammad Omar, the founder of the Taliban, as a hero of the global jihad along with Osama bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Mullah Omar is lauded by al-Zawahri for creating the first true Islamic emirate since the fall of the Ottoman Empire a century ago. He makes no mention of reports Mullah Omar died two years ago in a Pakistan hospital in Karachi under the protection of the Pakistani intelligence service, the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI).


Poll: 500,000 American Muslims want people who criticize Islam put to death

(DOWNTREND) — On the heels of the “Draw Muhammad” terrorist attack, we’re subjected to a constant barrage of politicians and Muslim leaders proclaiming that yes – despite this attack, Islam is really a religion of peace.

And while the majority of Muslims reject the most draconian tenets of Islam, it might not be as big a majority as you think.

Back in 2012, the Wentzel Strategies group conducted a poll asking American Muslims about their faith and the law.

More than half – 58 percent – believed that criticism of “Islam or Muhammad” is not permitted under the First Amendment. 45 percent believed people who criticize the religion should “face criminal charges.”

But that’s not the shocker. The poll also revealed that 11.5 percent of American Muslims – of which there are more than 5 million – either strongly agreed or somewhat agreed that “Americans who criticize or parody Islam should be put to death.” The margin of error is 3.98 percentage points.

For those doing the math, that’s more than a half-million American Muslims who want death for anybody criticizing Islam.

The most radical Muslims live in the West, where 14 percent “strongly agree” in putting Americans to death, and the young are radicalized much more than older Muslims. Almost 19 percent of those under 30 strongly agree with the statement.

So while it may be comforting to some that the “vast majority” of Muslim Americans don’t want their fellow citizens executed for criticizing Mohammad, the “minority” is much larger than we may have realized.


Ex-CIA head: Iran is genocidal, theocratic, imperial, totalitarian

(THE CLARION PROJECT) — Iran’s leaders are “theocratic, totalitarian, genocidal, imperial liars,” according to former head of the CIA James Woolsey.

Speaking on a conference call organized by the Clarion Project, Woolsey said he would rather deal with the Soviets he met across the negotiating table decades ago than talk to Tehran.

“They weren’t theocratic fanatics,” he said of his Soviet interlocutors.

Listen to Woolsey’s comments.

Woolsey now chairs the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, which not only looks at Tehran’s nuclear program but also its human-rights record.

“Iran is hanging political dissidents every day,” he told reporters and an international audience. “The problem is not the Iranian people,” he said.

He urged Western powers to encourage average Iranians to “stand up to their ‘masters’,” and believes with external support Iranians could succeed where their attempted revolution failed in 2009.


Iraqi cleric: Thousands of mosques in America preparing people to join ISIS

IRAQI Shiite cleric Ayad Jamal al-Din, a former member of the Iraqi parliament, says that there are thousands of Mosques in America preparing people to join Islamic State:

ISIS is just the tip of the iceberg. ISIS has support. It is one of many groups. ISIS is based upon a certain ideology, upon a certain interpretation of religion, and upon a certain fiqh[Islamic jurisprudence]. Unfortunately, what happened to the Yazidis and others in northern Iraq is to be found in the fiqh of Shiites and Sunnis alike. Unless we are careful in the use of fiqh – in my opinion, the fiqh is more dangerous than nuclear technology.

Therefore, we in Iraq are facing two choices: Either we establish a civil state which relies on man-made law, based on equality between citizens, or else we establish a state based on fiqh and on religious law [ACM: Islamic “religious law” is sharia]. If we establish a state based on fiqh, partitioning into a Shiite state, a Sunni state, and a Kurdish state is inevitable. Alternative, we could establish a civil state, in which all citizens are equal in the eyes of the law.

As I have said, ISIS is a phenomenon with extensions all over the world, not just in Muslim countries. Even here in the U.S., there are many ISIS mosques. There are thousands of mosques that are preparing people to join ISIS. Imagine: young people from Florida join the ranks of ISIS to fight, and so do young people from Britain, Australia, Russia, China, and elsewhere. How could a young university student leave Florida to fight for ISIS if not for a mosque that incited him to do so?

I am not talking about a handful of mosques or about just a few people. No, we are talking about thousands of such mosques, or even more, in all countries of the world, from South America to North America, Africa, Asia, and Europe. These mosques are calling, day in and day out, for the revival of the caliphate. There are school curricula that glorify the caliphate, saying that the past of the Muslims is better than their present.

[NOTE: The video clip, which aired on Al-Iraqiya TV on October 17, 2014, is no longer available, but the MEMRI-TV transcript can be found here]


Was Muhammad an Epileptic?

THIS ARTICLE EXPLORES THE POSSIBILITY that Muhammad’s belief he was in communion with the divine was due to epilepsy, a neurological disorder that plagued him throughout his life. This is crucial for understanding the shaky foundation Islam rests on because it is based entirely on his claim that God talked to him through an angel.

This idea forms the foundation of his religion: “There is but one God, and Muhammad is his messenger” is the primary declaration of faith. Allah, the belief goes, transmitted his eternal word to an angel who then conveyed it to Muhammad either in person or through inspirational means. Read more »

Here’s looking at you, Mo

MUSLIMS HAVE A BAN ON “DEPICTING” MUHAMMAD, and they have the cheek to expect everyone to obey the ban, Muslim or not. The general explanation is that images are forbidden because they could become objects of worship and therefore incite idolatry. For a Muslim, idolatry is the chief sin because it means worship of something other than God.

Of course, any non-Muslim with a lick of self respect would tell these folks to take a hike and would “depict” the Muslim holy man if only to show that they are not about to bow down to foreigners and their foreign ideas, particularly foreigners pushing something like Muhammad’s cult. Read more »

Kill unbelievers: Inside the mind of a jihadist


“There is global unanimity that jihad is an obligation.” — Mohamed Hamdouch.

“My convictions emanate from what Allah said: You must kill the non-believers, regardless of whether they are Muslims or atheists.” — Mohamed Hamdouch.

“Beheading is permitted in Islam. I recommend you read the Suras [chapters] of Al-Anfal (8), At-Tawbah (9) and Mohammed (47).” — Mohamed Hamdouch.

“I swear by the name of Allah, this is not violence. We are defending our religion.” — Mohamed Hamdouch.


Was Muhammad Insane?

THE FUNDAMENTAL PROBLEM OF ISLAM is the belief that God talked to Muhammad and dictated the contents of the Koran to him. Muslims are indoctrinated into believing the Koran is God’s word, and so they act on the numerous incitements to violence that they find in it.

What they find in the Koran came from the mind of Muhammad, and for insight into the mental condition of this “prophet,” consider Chapter 33 of his Koran, entitled “The Confederates.” This is one of the chapters Muhammad composed in Yathrib (later called Medina) where he fled after his previously divided Meccan compatriots realized that the only way to preserve their way of life was to kill him.

The chapter is like a wild theme park ride that races in and out of numerous topics. In the 73 verses that make up the chapter, Muhammad covers the following in the God-voice he used for the Koran: He recaps a recent battle with the Meccans and excoriates people who were afraid to fight and die for him; he gloats about his extermination of the men and boys of one of the Jewish tribes of Yathrib, the confiscation of their property, and the enslavement of their women and children; he authorizes himself to take as many wives as he likes, permits himself to marry the wife of his adopted son, forbids himself from taking any more wives after he has taken as many as he likes, but allows himself sex slaves. Read more »

Komrade Kabah: Read this amusing take on our Kabah article!

(THE PEOPLE’S CUBE) — In the beginning of the world, there was the Cube. Every Muslim will tell you that, and we are not making this up. They call it Kabah, which is Arabic for “the Cube.”

People from all corners of the earth gather to the Cube in Mecca for education and enlightenment. Only instead of rotating it like we do with the People’s Cube, they run in circles around it, like the unionized electricians of a certain non-Muslim ethnic minority who rotate the stepladder while changing the light bulb.

Since the rest of the Islamic narrative about the Cube’s origin is not in compliance with the Marxist theory of Historical Materialism, below is a korrekted version, developed by the scientists of the Karl Marx Treatment Center.

Adam, the first man to evolve from the ape, built the Cube as a symbol of equality, making sure that each side was equal to the next and painted with the same colorblind-friendly black pigment.

During the Great Flood the Cube sustained significant water damage. It was then further scrambled by Islamophobic non-unionized idolaters, but later unscrambled back by Abraham and Ishmael (the first Arab to evolve from the Jew™). Finally, Allah hired Mohammed to liberate the Cube from the unenlightened corporate rednecks and the white-collar Jews who inhabited Mecca.