Tagged: Koran

A warning about Islam: “Hey, have you heard the one about the T-Rex at Fifth and Main?”

IT GOES LIKE THIS: Two men at the corner of Fifth and Main are engrossed in conversation. As they jabber away, one of them looks over the shoulder of the other and sees a Tyrannosaurus Rex coming down Main Street. He says to his friend, “Hey, there’s a Tyrannosaurus Rex coming our way!” The other guy says, “Oh, come on, that’s impossible,” and he resumes talking about what he was talking about. The other man says, “I’m not kidding. Just turn around and look for yourself.” But his friend is adamant. “Don’t be silly,” he says. By then the man who sees what’s coming is frantic because the monster is getting closer and closer. In exasperation, he says, “Look, all you gotta do is turn around, and you will see for yourself what I’m talking about!” But the other man crosses his arms and says in a scornful voice, “I refuse to listen to this nonsense.” By then the T-Rex is up behind him, and with its massive jaws wide open it sinks its teeth into him and swallows him whole. The other man, meanwhile, runs off to look for a gun and rally people to defend themselves against the monster. Read more »

The Cube of Mecca, aka the Kabah

IN THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD THERE WAS THE KABAH — at least, if you believe what Muslims are indoctrinated into believing about the draped temple of Mecca that is orbited by masses of people every year during the pilgrimage season.

The story goes it was a jewel sent down to the world by Allah from his throne far above the seventh of the seven heavens. Adam, the first man, built the Kabah as the first temple of worship of Allah, but it was destroyed in the great flood that Allah inflicted on the world for disobedience to his will. It was rebuilt by Abraham and Ishmael, and Ishmael fathered a line of Arabs that led finally to Muhammad. But by Muhammad’s time, the temple had fallen into the wrong hands, into the hands of idolaters who worshiped other gods than Allah. Read more »

Another made kid of Allah: ISIS child executes alleged Israeli spy

» Another made kid of Allah: ISIS child executes alleged Israeli spy

There is no such a thing as ‘moderate’ Islam

» There is no such a thing as ‘moderate’ Islam

Religion of Peace!


Muhammad fled from Mecca to Yathrib (Medina) in A.D. 622 after the Meccans decided they had to kill him to preserve their way of life. In Yathrib, he built a mosque and used it as his al-qaeda—his base—to wage war on the Meccans and then on people who refused to accept him and his religion. He carried out at least 80 raids on caravans, towns, villages, and Bedouin encampments, killing, plundering, and enslaving until his death in A.D. 632. He was famous for his chilling battle cry, “Kill! Kill! Kill!” The following is excerpted from It’s All About Muhammad, A Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet.

IMAGINE THE SCENE AT MUHAMMAD’S mosque on the eve of a raid:

Muhammad is sitting in the pulpit of the preacher platform. He is angry and shakes his fist at the crowds in the prayer area and courtyard. Fighting in the cause of Allah is an obligation for Submitters, he tells them, but many of the faithful are resisting going to war and have been coming to him with excuses. He reminds them of their duty by reciting one of his Koran verses: “Fighting is enjoined on you, and it is an object of dislike to you; and it may be that you dislike a thing while it is good for you, and it may be that you love a thing while it is evil for you, and Allah knows, while you do not know.”[1] Read more »

A timeline of Islamic expansion

By Dan McLaughlin

Let me put down here some facts that are worth returning to from time to time, as arguments over the history of Islam and Islamism are back in the news with today’s beheading in London. In debates over the history of tension between Muslims and Christians, the Crusades are often cited, out of their historical context, as the original cause of such clashes, as if both sides were peaceably minding their own business before imperialist Westerners decided to go launch a religious war in Muslim lands.

This is not what actually happened, and indeed it is ahistorical to treat the fragmented feudal states of the West in the Eleventh Century as capable of any such thing as imperialism or colonialism (although, as Victor Davis Hanson has noted, even in the centuries after the fall of Rome, Western civilization retained a superior logistical ability to project force overseas due to the scientific, economic and military legacies of ancient Greece and Rome). Moreover, when Islam first arose, much of what we think of today as Islamic ‘territory’ in Anatolia, the Levant and North Africa was Christian until conquered by the heirs of Muhammad, such that speaking of one side’s incursions into the other’s territory requires you to ignore how that territory was seized in the first place. That entire region had been part of the Roman and later Byzantine empires, and was culturally part of the West until it was conquered by Muslim arms – Rome is closer geographically to Tripoli than to London, Madrid is closer to Casablanca than to Berlin, Athens is closer to Damascus than to Paris.


Muslim gangbangers and their gang sign

ISLAM CAN BE SEEN AS A GANG. Its members are part of the umma, the transtribal supertribe of believers that Muhammad created 1,400 years ago. It practices the one-for-all-and-all-for-one ethos of the tribal mentality; in short, a gang.

And like any gang it has its gang sign. In photos and videos, often with the recently slain as the backdrop, you can see groups of believers flashing the distinctive Muslim gang sign: The index finger points straight up while the thumb wraps underneath and presses against the middle finger. Read more »

And now the made kids of Allah

ANYONE WITH KNOWLEDGE OF ISLAMIC literature has to be honest about this: There is nothing in the canonical literature that shows Muhammad recruited children to fight his battles. At the battle of Uhud and on other occasions youngsters ran up to him to volunteer, but he sent them away as too young. He made an exception or two for physically precocious boys, but the rest he sent home to Mama.

Muhammad was a mass murdering thug, an assassin, a plunderer, an enslaver—an evil man by any objective measure, and he unleashed a system of totalitarian evil that has plagued the world for 1,400 years. But ISIS, Boko Haram, and other groups that follow his example have managed to outdo their role model in evil, no small accomplishment: As recent videos show, they are now using mere children to do the dirty deed of slaughter. Read more »

Will the real phobes please stand up

WHY IS IT THAT MUSLIMS AND THEIR DEFENDERS on the Left brand critics of Islam as Islamophobes and any negative reaction to what is typical behavior of Islam as Islamophobia?

Criticize their dress, or the construction of mosques in your community, or the teaching of Islam in your schools, and you are an Islamophobe. Read more »